Monday, 24 November 2008

Poetic Pilgrimage

Over the weekend I was blessed with a CD of two female emcees/poets called Poetic Pilgrimage. Based in Bristol, the muslim duo reflect their social and cultural surroundings with a refreshment and intelligence I've not heard in while. Freedom Times is an EP that touches upon topics from relationships to oppression. Extremely thought out honest lyrics with deliveries to match over flawless beats and a good mix of tempos ensures I'll be playing this for a long time. Whilst I don't want to single out any track over another, I'm particulary feeling the hard hitting acapella Light of a Million Suns and on the other side of the spectrum the melodic, soulful Sugar Plum and the totally stirring Freedom. Also nice to hear a classic loop on Beginning of the End - takes me back to early Sunz of Man. True jewels
Listen to Poetic Pilgrimage here.

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